
Happy new 2024!
After a relaxing vacation we're back and looking forward to a very exiting year at Interal...

Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year from us

Thank you for fruitful meetings at Elmia Subcontractor 2023
This year the coffee machine got really hot! We thank everyone who stopped by and talked aluminum and sustainability with us...

Elmia Subcontractor 2023
See you next week at Elmia! Interal is on site at the Elmia subcontractor to show and tell about what...

Andreas Elg – new production manager at Interal
Since a few weeks ago, Andreas has been on site as production manager at Interal. When we ask about his main goal here…

Summer vacation
After an intense and exciting spring, it is now time to rest and recharge your batteries before a...

100 Million SEK!
Interal's summer meeting was celebrated a little extra this year! After a busy year characterized by great commitment from our fantastic employees...

We welcome our new salesman at Interal; Daniel Häll
Daniel started at Interal barely a month ago and will be one of our team of four salespeople. The...

Interal invests in our warehouse/logistics
Over the past year, Interal has invested heavily in the area of warehouse/logistics to increase our flexibility towards our customers. We have...