Looking back on 2016
2016 has been a year full of events. Interal has celebrated its 40th anniversary, with a focus on health and wellness and a pleasant trip to Stockholm for our staff.
We have invested in several new machines, including a multi-op machine for long-length machining, a custom cutting machine and for our unit in China we have purchased a laser engraving machine and another CNC machine. The factory in China continues to grow and serves as a good complement to our operations in Habo.
We have expanded our area here in Habo with both office, manufacturing and warehouse premises as our previous tenants have now moved out. Among other things, this has produced a larger, cleaner and brighter room for the assembly, which is still being designed. Thus, we are now well equipped to continue growing and this investment gives us expanded opportunities to offer further processing to our customers, above all in assembly.
On the personnel side, Krister Andersson retired this summer and we thank him for his long and faithful service at Interal. Johan Westerberg has replaced Krister in the cutting department and has settled into the work there well. Martin Bååth finished his employment in technology/preparation just over a month ago and this position is now being taken over by Robert Grubesic who for several years has been production manager and is also a part owner of Interal. Johan Mattson has been recruited to the position of production manager and will start his employment at Interal in February.
We now look forward with anticipation to an eventful and successful 2017. Good luck to all our customers, suppliers and staff!