14 October 2019

ESF project Competence-secured industry

During the past year, Interal has participated in the ESF project Competence-secured industry - KSI. Together with five other companies, we have participated in regular networking meetings with three people from our business; Andreas Simonsson, CEO and co-owner, Gunilla Skogh, HR/Economics and Ann Backlund Funaro, Quality/Environment. The fact that we have had three participants has been a good help in further developing the work with increasing skills at Interal. The fact that the participants themselves also have different roles at Interal has contributed to interesting discussions and different angles both in connection with the internal work with homework and at the network meetings.

Gunilla Skogh has been interviewed by Svensk Industrivalidering where she tells how KSI has contributed to better cohesion and increased competence at Interal. Click here to read this article.