
21 December 2017

This year's Christmas present at Interal – investment in new Haas VF-7

Now our new multi-operation milling machine has arrived and is ready to be put into use. This will be an addition to the Haas family as...

5 December 2017

ISO 9001/14001:2015

Interal's new ISO certificate is now available here on the website. We work actively according to our management system to ensure the quality of...

27 November 2017

Representative from Interal at Teknikcollege national conference 2017

At the Teknikcollege* national conference on November 8, Robert Grubesic from Interal AB took part in a panel debate on the topic "How to be able to...

21 November 2017

Thanks to all visitors - Elmia Subcontractor 2017

A week filled with interesting and pleasant conversations, fruitful lunch meetings with several of our customers and inspiration for continued development...

9 November 2017

Elmia Subcontractor 2017

Interal will be on site at Elmia 14-17 November and we look forward to many fruitful meetings with existing as well as…

1 November 2017

Get to know Johan – Interal's new production manager

We have asked a few questions to get to know Johan, production manager at Interal: What is your background? "I have...

18 September 2017

News from Interal Foshan

Interal's new factory premises in Foshan city is about 1000 m2 and in connection with the move we have increased the workforce...

25 August 2017

Machine investment at Interal

In line with an expanded focus on assembly and expansion of our assembly department, we have now invested in a...

16 August 2017

Blood circulation 2017

According to an annual recurring tradition, Interal participated in this year's Blood Circulation in Jönköping. We were a happy group of ten people...